Physical Rehabilitation


Physical rehabilitation is the process that an injured or deconditioned person goes through to restore their physical functioning. In the form of therapeutic exercises, physical rehabilitation aims to improve the functionality of the injured area while steadily decreasing pain levels.
Physical Rehabilitation progresses in stages to improve mobility, strength and stability. Specific programs can be developed by a qualified provider to advance you though these stages so that you are able to get back to your daily activities without interruption due to discomfort.

Traumatic Events – Physical rehab can lessen the symptoms felt from injuries following a car accident, an intense fall or sports injury.

Reinjury – There’s always a chance of reinjuring previously injured tissue. This can be done accidentally with improper movements. Physical rehabilitation with a provider will give you the knowledge proper move so you do not exacerbate the injury or cause further damage. 

Mobility and Balance – Physical rehabilitation can be used to improve mobility and balance following an injury. However it can be used to improve mobility and balance in an attempt to prevent injuries from happening in the first place.

Chronic Pain – Everyone knows someone who at some point suffers from chronic pain, whether it is themselves, a relative or a friend. Chronic pain is common and it is important not to ignore it. Along with the chiropractic adjustment, physical rehab can lessen the intensity of discomfort with chronic pain. In the grand scheme of things, this helps lessen the current opioid crisis.

Athletes – Athletes benefit from physical rehabilitation without having an injury to be treated. Physical rehab can help improve their athletic performance by improving their strength, mobility, awareness and coordination. This is done with specific exercise programs designed for that purpose.

Benefits of physical rehabilitation include

● Improved strength 

● Improved stabilization 

● Improved balance 

● Assist with injury healing 

● Improved athletic performance

● Prevent re-injury 

● Reduce stress level 

● Improve physical awareness 

● Improve coordination 

● Reduce chronic pain

What We Treat

Back and Neck Pain

Back and neck pain, including chronic pain, can be treated effectively through disc decompression.

Herniated Disc

Disc decompression therapy creates negative pressure on the discs of the spine, effectively pulling them back into place.

Worn Spinal Joints

Also known as posterior facet syndrome, worn spinal joints have shown a reduction in symptoms with disc decompression.


Disc decompression can reduce compression of the Sciatic nerve and reduce symptoms of pain and spasms.

Degenerated Discs

By gently stretching the spine, disc decompression reduces symptoms of degenerative disc disease by reducing pressure in the spine.

Spinal Stenosis

Disc decompression is a non-invasive treatment proven effective at treating spinal stenosis and relieving symptoms.


Through disc decompression, chiropractors can relieve pain and reduce the severity of chronic headaches.

Nerve Pain

Disc decompression therapy is used by chiropractors to relieve compression of the nerves, reducing pain and inflammation.





2:30 – 7:00 pm













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