Auto Injury Treatments

If you’ve been involved in any type of auto accident, even one considered minor, Dr. Juewuo Reeves at Quest Chiropractic – your auto injury chiropractor in Wilmington, DE – is dedicated to ensuring optimal healing and health.

Guide to Visiting an Auto Injury Chiropractor

Auto accidents happen much more often than we realize. Thankfully, most of them aren’t fatal accidents, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t impactful.

Even minor accidents can wreak havoc on the musculoskeletal system, as it has to sustain force beyond its normal limits. Below, Dr. Reeves and the team at Quest Chiropractic in Wilmington, DE, share why it’s important to visit an auto injury chiropractor and what to expect when you do.

Importance of Visiting a Chiropractor After an Accident

Most people involved in auto accidents assume they are fine when they don’t feel any pain or if the emergency responders give them the all-clear. However, neither of these is a reason to avoid seeking care.

Injuries aren’t always obvious right away, as it can take some time for the shock to wear off. Emergency responders are there to ensure there are no life-threatening injuries. They don’t do a full musculoskeletal assessment.

Visiting a chiropractor within the first few days of an accident can be critical to your general health and recovery. The chiropractor can uncover injuries that haven’t yet been discovered and begin treatment before you begin to suffer. If you’re already in pain, they can get you on the road to recovery as quickly as possible.

What to Expect When Visiting a Chiropractor

You and your chiropractor will discuss any symptoms you might have noticed. This information can help them determine where you might have sustained injuries. They’ll also do a full musculoskeletal exam to confirm their suspicions and uncover additional injuries.

After gaining a thorough understanding of your injuries and troubled areas, your chiropractor will determine the best combination of treatment methods for your needs. Techniques used may include adjustments, spinal decompression, therapeutic exercises, soft tissue mobilization, and much more.

If you’ve been involved in an auto accident, let our auto injury chiropractor at Quest Chiropractic in Wilmington, DE, help you recover as quickly and naturally as possible. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Reeves by calling (302) 225-1460 today.





2:30 – 7:00 pm













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